
Who are my friends…Those who

1. Inspire me
2. Challenge me
3. Teach me
4. Help me
5. Care for me
6. Cover me
7. Make me become a better person
8. Look out for me..especially for the best

This i think cover the most basic and important criteria for the reason anyone should be my friend or your friend.


    So have been thinking about FOCUS, and the need to be more focused on very specific things for growth, development and success.
     There are so many things we can say about being focused, lots of people have opinions and can say a lot about this, but there is just one thing I want to bring to our attention because it came to my attention.
      Distraction(s), the enemy of focus. Especially in our world today, we are distracted but things here and there, at every corner, nook and cranny. Distractions are the major reasons we cannot focus, a distraction is anything that wants to, tries to, shift you fixed attention from something, meaning there are good distractions and bad ones (funny).
      Distractions are always pleasurable, sweet, and am thinking to myself that to be able to deal with them, to be focused, we need to
1. Love what we are focused, or should be focused on
2. Self-disciplined
     Think about it, if you love what you are doing right now, you will not be easily distracted.
Truth is, distractions will always be there, and may never be totally over-ridden or dealt with, so give yourself a break, sometimes, the best we can do is reduce, minimize them, and give ourselves the chance, the opportunity to become better, to succeed in life, I owe that to myself, you owe that to yourself, we owe it to the world.


    So have been thinking about FOCUS, and the need to be more focused on very specific things for growth, development and success.
     There are so many things we can say about being focused, lots of people have opinions and can say a lot about this, but there is just one thing I want to bring to our attention because it came to my attention.
      Distraction(s), the enemy of focus. Especially in our world today, we are distracted but things here and there, at every corner, nook and cranny. Distractions are the major reasons we cannot focus, a distraction is anything that wants to, tries to, shift you fixed attention from something, meaning there are good distractions and bad ones (funny).
      Distractions are always pleasurable, sweet, and am thinking to myself that to be able to deal with them, to be focused, we need to
1. Love what we are focused, or should be focused on
2. Self-disciplined
     Think about it, if you love what you are doing right now, you will not be easily distracted.
Truth is, distractions will always be there, and may never be totally over-ridden or dealt with, so give yourself a break, sometimes, the best we can do is reduce, minimize them, and give ourselves the chance, the opportunity to become better, to succeed in life, I owe that to myself, you owe that to yourself, we owe it to the world.


      “I refuse to let fear hold me back from doing the things that I want to do, the things I need to do.”
        There is a man, A Nigerian, most Nigerians, the country where I come from, would know him. He is a top district security commander or so. He made an error on national TV, not knowing the web address of the state security firm he was working for, and he is supposed, thought to be a top official. Anyway, He became a laugh to the nation and beyond the nation, people laughed at how ridiculous it was for him of to know the website, and how confused and dis-organized he looked on TV.
     It is about a month later right now after the incident, and most people have forgotten it, no more laughter, and the whole thing is gone away, like the wind.
     Am saying this because, lots of time we let the fear of what people will think about us and what we are about to do, the fear that it will not work, the fear that people will LAUGH at us, stop us, hold us back from doing what we need to do to succeed, to live happier. Why do we choose to focus on the negative, the fear, rather than the positive, your happiness, your chance to live a better life and so on. Truth it, people might laugh, but it is only gonna be a while. Think of your success, what there reaction is going to be when you succeed, achieve what you want to achieve, be who you want to be.
      They will talk, but it is only going to be a while, they will laugh, and then forget. What matters is you not paying attention to them but what you need, need to do.


   Getting and creating wealth is actually easy. All you just need is just to know how to do it.
I would call wealth – Having possessions, things, from money down to what you could think of, but there is another definition or level of wealth people do not recognize, which in influence.
   If you are Influencial, you are wealthy, because even through that influence, you can make money.
My main focus is on how to get wealth, which can be through influence, the influence you have, also through gifts, abilities.
I would define gift, as ability, meaning what I can do…A gift is what I can do..We all know the popular ones, some can sing, some can write, some can teach, even leadership is a gift.
   The way to creating wealth though gift is to recognize what you can do, develop and sharpen it, and use it to SERVE people by helping them. The reason why we have gifts is to help people, to help the world.
1. Recognize your gift
2. Recognize the problems of the world around you
3. Recognize how you gift helps solve that problem and then Bingo! You are on your way to wealth and riches.
4. Figure out how others who have similar gifts with yours, use theirs.
     Truth is that some gifts are greater than the others, that is true, but no gift is a waste, it just depends on how you sharpen it, how effective you become, How you use it to serve and help others.


I am Unique.
The first key to discovering and developing uniqueness is recognizing that you are unique, the way you are, right now, with nothing to add to you.
Let me give an example, if you become aware and believe all of a sudden that there is gold under the earth you are standing, you will look for a way to break up that earth and find that gold out.
So is it with this, believe that you are unique, you are you and there is no one like you (a word we always use of God) and will never be.
keep telling yourself, everywhere, every time that I AM UNIQUE, till you come to the point where you believe this. You will begin to discover and become aware of things about you that defines your uniqueness, and the way you are unique. Then you can go on to developing it and making it shine.
What does the word ‘Unique’ mean?
(a) What differentiates you from others (physical qualities, the way you talk, laugh, do things, to even the way you think
(b) Being the only one of its kind – a definition of the word unique.
I would define it as that one thing that differentiates you from others, and many ones thing lead to many things..You are Unique.
Unique – distinct, special, exclusive, peculiar, only, one of a kind…..YOU ARE UNIQUE


   Still remember when this song came to me. It was a period in my life where I was down, was lost, really lost.
Did not know where I was, where I was going, it was like everything was going backward instead of forward, at times it was like I was @ a standstill with no hope to move forward.
   In this moment of hopelessness and helplessness, God spoke this words to me, He said Rise up, he spoke this words to me in a song to my heart, and these words became the inspiration for the song I wrote. This song is a message from God to me for me, and He has told me and helped me to pass it along to others. It’s time to rise up, to wake up, to let go of the past, and walk to a better future. You might not fully know what it entails, but as far as it is God who has prepared it for you, be rest assured that it is glorious, wonderful, perfect.
   How do you rise up? Well, stretch out your hands to the one who lifts people up and He will life you up and cause you to rise up. Talk to me and say, Lord, Lift me up……Below, is the link to the song, listen to it and be inspired.


Happy Birthday To Me



   Today, I celebrate the day and the month I was born, my birthday, 22nd March. Don’t exactly know whether it was a Friday or Tuesday I was born on, but all I know is that I am alive today.
      Today I celebrate God’s goodness and favour, His great love towards me. He’s been real good.
      Today I celebrate Jesus Christ saving my soul from sin and giving me new life
      Today I celebrate God giving me the most wonderful parents one could ask for, friends who are the best, Pastors who are the best and everything just the best.
      Today I celebrate purpose, I was given birth to because God has sent me here to do His will.
Music is my passion, I love composing songs, and singing, and it plays a major role in my life. I believe that through God I can change, impact the world through music, this is why I write, to inspire the world, to bless the world, to change the world, to encourage, to save the world. I tell the world about God and his love for them through songs, since this is the message He has given me to the world.
      Today I celebrate the beginning of a glorious journey, a new chapter in my life and existence here on earth. God has been real good.
       Want you to click this link to my song for the day, my first produced song titled, “Rise Up”, this song is so personal to me, because it came to me in a period when I was down and all alone, but I was not alone, God came and spoke to me saying, it’s time to rise up, and am saying the same to you, Forget the past, forget your wrong, a new day is here, it is time to rise up.
Click the link below to the song, thank you (Enjoy!!!)


I have a father
A father who loves me
Who cares about me
Always thinks of me
I have a father
Who watches over me
Always checks up on me
I have a father
Who made me the best
Sees the best in me
I have a father
Who is patient with me
Ready to always forgive me
I have a father
Who always tells me loves me
Who wants the best for me
I have a father
Who always provides for me
All my needs and wants
I have a father
Who always wants me near
To protect me and guide me
I have a father
Who is always with me
Telling me the right thing to do
And the way to succeed
I have a father
Who shows me what life truly means
Who makes me happy
Who believes in me


To become successful, I need a mentor, someone who is where I want to be that has been where I am, in the area I choose or thing I want to be successful in…For instance, right now, I am listening to a musician who is singing well…I like the way the guys sings, his voice, his add lips, even the music, the words and so on, the words of the song being sung sound like they come from the heart of his heart.
    Now, I ADMIRE him, and this admiration can turn into a DESIRE to sing like Him, be like Him or write like him or be able to do what he is doing. This desire in turn turns to MOTIVATION to want to sing like Him, Motivation in turns makes me DETERMINED to do what I need to do to become like him which is LEARN from Him, PRACTICE the things and principles he applies, and do it CONSISTENTLY. This is one of the path if not the only path to success.
     Sometimes even before we had the desire to become something, a doctor, a musician, or to become rich, it is usually because we have seen other doctors and admired them, rich men and women the way they live comfortably and admired them or the way they seem comfortable and able to get what they want. Mentors are there to be admired and used as model for personal success. So I can say that a Mentor is someone I admire, who is where I want to be and has been where I am…it could be anything you want to succeed in…Things like effectiveness, health, relationship, finances, fashion sense, career, spirituality and so on.